Color mixing and limited color palettes

Experiment with Limited Palettes and Color Mixing in ArtistAssistApp

Experiment with Limited Palettes and Color Mixing in ArtistAssistApp

ArtistAssistApp helps to experiment with color mixing and a limited palette without wasting your paints.

On the "Color mixing" tab choose specific colors of specific brands to mix, specify the proportions and get the resulting color mixture in various consistencies.

There are three primary colors that can't be mixed from other colors: lemon yellow, cyan or blue and magenta or red.

These three colors plus white and black allow us to mix any color hue we wish.

As watercolors are transparent, the white color is not needed because the white paper can show through a diluted watercolor layer.

Using a limited palette helps achieve color harmony.

It's possible to replace three primary colors with others to depict a specific atmosphere.

For example, the lighting in the north is different from the Mediterranean, as are the colors needed to depict this atmosphere.

Open the "Limited palette" tab and select up to 5 colors to be your primaries.

Press the "Preview" button to see what your reference photo would look like painted with just those colors.